C.1 Syntax specification
Config := /B:Bios_no /D:Dev_name /A:Pccom
Bios_no := dec_value
Dev_name := Dev_strDev_no, Dev_name
:= Dev_name
[note : length(Dev_name)
<= 8]
Dev_str := ([a..z] | [A..Z]))*
Dev_no := 1..99
Pccom := Com_irq, Pccom
:= Com_irq
:= nil
Com_irq := [Irq:Com_set]
Com_set := Com_vect:Com_set
:= Com_vect
:= nil
Com_vect := Base,Portno,Vector,Active:Com_port
Com_port := Port, Com_port
:= Port
:= nil
Port := (Buf_siz:Baud_rate:Line_control
:= (Buf_siz:Baud_rate:Line_control
* dec_value
Irq := 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 10 | 11 | 12
| 14 | 15
Base := hex_value
Portno := 1 | 2 | 4 | 8
Vector := hex_value | 0
Active := HI | LO
Buf_siz := dec_value k
:= dec_value
:= nil
Baud_rate := dec_value
Line_control := Parity-Data-Stop
Parity := E | O | N
Data := 5 | 6 | 7 |
Stop := 1 | 2
Modem_control := Mc+Modem_control
:= Mc
:= nil
Mc = DTR | RTS | OUT1 | OUT2
Flow_control := Fc+Flow_control
:= Fc
:= nil
Fc = DTR | RTS | XON
Comment := # string
[a whole line
dec_value := decimal number
hex_value := hexadecimal number
C.2 Some Constrains on Configuration Rule
% The size of total buffer in
one Com_set
must be less than
64K. However, the size
of total
buffer used in driver
can be
larger than 64K.
% The number of ports in one
Com_set must
matches the number of Com_ports in the following definition.
% The
maximum size of the buffer
allocated for one
port is 32K, but The maximum size of the buffer allocated for one
set is 64K.
% In Com_port definition,
buffer size, baud
rate, and line control must be
specified, both modem control and flow control could be not specified
if you do not want these capabilities, however the separator ":" can not be skipped.
C.3 How to install and configure PCCOM driver
% The PCCOM driver
that is DOS-style driver is nstalled when system boots by means
of inserting the following line in config.sys
DEVICE=C:PCCOM.SYS @c:\pccom.opt
The content
of the file "pccom.opt"
is configuration rule specified;
the character
'@' must be prefixed with the
configuration file.