1.Before using this software, be sure that you have a loopback connected on the port.

2.Each window (from window 1 ?8) have the same function, so, using the first window illustrated about is the same as the succeeding window.


Enable checkbox ?this checkbox button will enable the desired combo box COM port and the (Bps) combo box of bits per second.


Available COM ports are from COM 1 to COM 30.

Bits per second ranges: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 56000, 115200, 230400, 460,800

See figure below
3.Setting the time and clicking the start button will display another image. See figure below.
4.The separated window below the figure about have the same function, since we have only enable the COM 3, only this window will be enabled also.

Tx ?this edit box will give the status of data being transferred during test.
Rx - this edit box will give the status of data being receive during test.

Start button ?this will start the test session, with start time status after it.

End button ?clicking this button will end the testing process.

Counter Status

Txd ?this window will display the number of data being transmitted during the testing procedure.
Rxd ?this window will display the number of data being transmitted during the testing procedure.
Errors ?this window will display the number errors encountered during the data transfer.


RTS ?putting a check on this checkbox will enable, only if you are using Decision RS-485 card. Avoid enabling this checkbox if you are only using RS-232 card.