Live Device Driver

How to install Watchdog Driver
1. Login as root
2. Extract the watchdog driver file
# tar -xvzf watchdog.tgz
this will extract the file at the distribute directory
3. make the install file executable
# cd /distribute
# chmod +x install
4. install the module
# ./install

How to uninstall Watchdog Drive
1. Login as root
2. Make the uninstall file executable
# chmod +x uninstall
3. uninstall the module
# ./uninstall

List of function on the driver

1. it EnableCounter(int file_desc) - Start the counter.
Where: file_desc is a file referring to the Watchdog driver.
2.int DisableCounter(int file_desc)- Stop the counter.Where: file_desc is a file referring to the Watchdog driver
3. int SetCounter(int file_desc,unsigned long int value)- Set the value of the counter to countdownWhere: file_desc is a file referring to the Watchdog driver.value is a you want to countdown
4.int SetCounterSource(int file_desc,int value)- Set the speed of the counterWhere: file_desc is a file referring to the Watchdog driver.value is the speed of the timer- if value = 0 then the counter is set to 1/2048 sec.- if value = 1 then the counter is set to 1/1024 sec.- if value = 2 then the counter is set to 1/512 sec.- if value = 3 then the counter is set to 1/256 sec.- if value = 4 then the counter is set to 1/128 sec.- if value = 5 then the counter is set to 1/64 sec.- if value = 6 then the counter is set to 1/32 sec.- if value = 7 then the counter is set to 1/16 sec.- if value = 8 then the counter is set to 1/8 sec.- if value = 9 then the counter is set to 1/4 sec.- if value = 0 then the counter is set to 1/2 sec
5. int SetRemotePowerOn(int file_desc,char value)- Set the Power Control Box on / offWhere: file_desc is a file referring to the Watchdog driver.value is use to turn on or off the power control box- if value = 0 then it will set the power off- if value = 1 then it will set the power on
6. int EnablePciReset(int file_desc)- Reset the computer ( the Watchdog card reset jumper must be connectedto the motherboard resetWhere: file_desc is a file referring to the Watchdog driver.
7. unsigned long int GetCounter(int file_desc)- Get the value of the counter (base from the SetCounterSource)Where: file_desc is a file referring to the Watchdog driver.