This HOWTO covers basic info on the Serial Port and multiport serial cards. Information specific to modems and text.terminals has been moved to Modem.HOWTO and Text.Terminal.HOWTO. Info on getty (the program that runs the login process or the like) has been also moved to these HOWTOs since mgetty and uugetty are best for modems while agetty is best for text.terminals. If you are dealing with a modem, text terminal, or printer, then you may not need to consult this HOWTO. But if you are using the serial port for some other device, using a multiport serial card, trouble.shooting the serial port itself, or want to understand more technical details of the serial port, then you may want to use this HOWTO as well as some of the other HOWTOs. (See Related HOWTO's) This HOWTO lists info on various multiport serial cards since they may be used for either modems or text.terminals. This HOWTO addresses Linux running on Intel x86 hardware, although it might be valid for other architectures.