Install and test PCI 2 Port RS232 Photo Isolator Card on DEBIAN. | |||
1.Download Device Driver | |||
You must login as a root user. And do it in the ' text-mode ' or use the Terminal of System tools in ' graphic-mode '. (1). For ttyS44 to ttyS75
2. Install Device Driver | |||
This sample is under REDHAT 8.0 KERNEL 2.4.18-14. 2.1 DIP Switch The switch is used to identify card number, default setting is card 1. There are two methods to set the card number: 2.2.1 PnP mode Just plug in PCI bus adapter into PCI slot, the PCI BIOS will allocate I/O address to each adapter automatically and assign card number start from 0 to each adapter. However, if you plug in more than one adapter, please set whole adapters to card number 1 (default setting), then use software tools to distinguish port id. 2.2.2 Manual mode Set card
number by card identifier switch, the PCI BIOS will assign
I/O address to each adapter. Please set
different card number to each adapter (do not duplicate card number
Please follow as follows to instal1 the driver.
Step 2: Replace two files --- serial.c and serial.h First: Backup original file. Second: Overwrite it.
Step 3: Build the Linux Kernel with the driver. First : make menuconfig (1). Choose ' Character devices '. (2)
Choose ' Extended dumb serial driver options ', ' Support more than 4
serial ports ', (3). Select < exit > . (4)
Select < Exit > . (5) Select < Yes > . Second : make dep Third : make bzImage It will create and bzImage files. Then replace the files. (1) Remove the link file . (2) Copy /usr/src/linux-2.4/ file to /boot . (3) Copy /usr/src/linux-2.4/arch/i386/boot/bzImage file to /boot. And rename ' pccom '. It will create ' pccom ' file. Fourth : Edit boot menu. The following example is lilo boot menu. The normal configuration file is located in /etc/lilo.conf. You
must add new image to boot and backup original image. After making changes to /etc/lilo.conf, you must run lilo to make changes to go in effect.
Step 4: Make the device nodes if they are
not existent. Use ' ls ttyS* ' command to check.
The corresponding nodes are : ttyS44 ttyS45(cau44 cau45) for the first 2 port card . ttyS52 ttyS53(cau52 cau53) for the second 2 port card . ttyS60 ttyS61(cau60 cau61) for the third 2 port card . ttyS68 ttyS69(cau68 cau69) for the fourth 2 port card . After Making, use ' ls ttyS* ' command to check them.
After rebooting system. Lilo will give two selections : ' linux ' and ' oldlinux '. Choose
' linux ' to boot. Doing nothing will casue ' linux ' to boot. Step 6: You can use ' dmesg | more ' command to check it is working or not . . And use ' cat /proc/pci ' command to find the device . |
3.Self test the card | |||
You must
prepare two konsoles . And use DB9F to DB9F cable to connect the
RS-232/422/485 Card and PC COM1.
TEST 1: The Konsole (RS-232/422/485 Card) sends the data and the Konsole <2> (COM1) receives the data. First: Use ' cat < /dev/ttys0 ' to receive the data. Then press ' Enter '.
fifth: The Konsole <2> will anto receive ' 123456789 '.
The Konsole (RS-232/422/485 Card) receive the data and the Konsole <2> (COM1) send the data. First: Use ' cat < /dev/ttys44 ' (RS-232/422/485 Card) to receive the data. Then press ' Enter'.